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Senin, 11 Desember 2017

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src: powwowhawaii.com

Tavar Zawacki (born 1981) is a Californian born, American abstract artist based in Berlin, Germany. Lasting a duration of twenty years (1996 - 2016) Tavar Zawacki created and signed all of his artworks with his street artist pseudonym, 'ABOVE'. At the age of 19, Tavar bought a one way flight from California to Paris, France, bringing with him a backpack full of clothes, all the money in his bank account ($1,500 usd), and a 'rise above your fears' approach to starting his art career. Starting in Paris in 2000, Tavar transitioned from painting traditional letter style graffiti of A-B-O-V-E, to his universally recognized 'Above arrow' icon that represented the optimistic mentality to 'rise above fears, challenges, and anything holding you back from your goals.' Under his then street artist name, ABOVE was one of the main pioneers and influencers in the development of the Street Art movement. Tavar Zawacki's wide spread proliferation of his 'Above arrow' icon trail-blazed the way for later generations of street artists using iconography, logos, and abstract artworks in the street. Tavar stated 'Street art was born in Paris in 2000, similar to how graffiti was born in New York City in the early 1980's. During a 20 year period the artworks of ABOVE could be seen in over 100 cities spanning 50 countries around the world.

During the 20 years creating works under his then pseudonym, ABOVE, Tavar had highly guarded his identity, and was completely anonymous to the world. The name Tavar Zawacki was virtually unknown, or associated with any artwork. In January, 2017, Tavar Zawacki decided to step out of his self imposed shadow of anonymity, and start creating, and signing artworks with his real birth name. Tavar's decision to no longer create works under his pseudonym ABOVE allowed more freedom of creative exploration, as well as liberation from the arrow icon he has associated himself with. Tavar Zawacki's painting styles with his large scale mural works, as well as his indoor fine art are characterized by the use of hard edge painting, color field, geometric abstraction, Op-Art, and Trompe-l'oeil painting styles. Tavar Zawacki has been showcasing his work in galleries and creative institutions around the world since 2005.

Video Tavar Zawacki


Early career (1995-2003)

Tavar Zawacki was born in the Foothills of Northern California in 1981 from two creative hippie parents who invented his name. Tavar was encouraged by both parents at a very young age to express himself through art, and music. At the age of 13 years old, Tavar was introduced to skateboarding, and graffiti. Tavar stated 'as a teenager I spent my time after school skateboarding, and painting graffiti on trains at the train yard. I was magnetized towards skateboarding, and graffiti because they were both D.I.Y. and independent ways of expressing myself.' At age fifteen, Tavar started spray painting the traditional letter style graffiti with his moniker 'ABOVE' on freight trains in California. Four years later, Tavar changed from painting traditional letter graffiti to an arrow symbol that pointed 'Above'. Tavar credits an impactful, and pivotal experience where a train he had painted with the letters A-B-O-V-E was leaving the train station and his name was completely illegible due to the increased speed of the departing train. Tavar realized that he needed to find a way for his artwork to connect and be recognized in a fraction of a second.

In 2000, at the age of 19, Tavar moved from California to Paris, France. At that time Paris was home to street artists like Zevs, Invader, Stak, Honet, and André Tavar and the other Parisian artists were part of a movement in street art that was heavily based on characters and logos. In 2003, Tavar returned from Paris to California where he introduced his hanging wooden 'Arrow mobiles' from overhead wires. Tavar would later proliferate this hanging process of his 'arrow mobiles' for years to follow.

Maps Tavar Zawacki

Travels and artworks


In the summer of 2014, Tavar went on a self-titled "U.S.A. Tour". He drove 5,000 miles (8,000 km) across the United States hanging 300 plus arrow mobiles in 14 major cities. It was during Zawacki's self-titled, U.S.A. tour that he introduced elements of word play by writing a word on both sides of the spinning arrows to suggest a dialog. Zawacki has declined to respond to questions about how he is able to hang his mobiles so high, saying, "I value and respect that we all have imaginations and for me to interfere with what your imagination would be wrong."


After finishing the U.S.A. Tour the previous year, Tavar returned to Europe in 2005. When asked in an interview why he did not hang his arrow mobiles in Europe after his U.S.A. tour, he responded, "In the United States there are an almost infinite amount of overhead telephone wires and street cables. However I was unsure if the different European countries had many overhead wires like in the United States? I decided instead to make wooden arrow that were able to adhere the sides of buildings, at elevated heights. During my travels around Europe I was able to in fact see that most of the countries I visited had overhead wires to support the future hanging of my arrow mobiles." Tavar visited 15 countries during his 4-month long European tour, installing around 500 of the larger wooden fabric arrows.


After returning to California, Tavar began planning a new tour which he titled the 'Sign Language Tour'. By his own reports, Tavar counterfeited Eurail tickets for a six month duration, spanning 26 countries around Europe. Tavar's 'Sign Language Tour' focused almost exclusively on his word play sign language arrow mobiles. Tavar is quoted saying 'sign language is a form of communication using movements instead of sound. I found a lot of charm knowing that the arrow mobiles, once installed, are constantly spinning around. To create a dialog I painted one word on each side of the arrow. Conceptually speaking, when the wind would spin the arrow mobile there would be a small word play dialog to anyone who looked at it." Tavar customized arrows to certain countries language such as French (J'ai/faim, chez/vous), Spanish (Hace/sol, como/esta) German (uber/alle) and Italian (ciao/ciao)."


In 2007, Tavar expanded from the word play of the previous year by painting larger word play murals on the exterior of building facades in South and Central America. He said in an interview " I wanted to return to painting letters, like the traditional graffiti I did when I was younger, but instead of painting my graffiti name, I wanted to paint word-based art that was site specific and could easily be read and understood. Tavar funded his 'South Central Tour' by working as a waiter in a restaurant in Alaska for four months in spring 2007. His south central tour lasted six months, starting in October, 2007 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, spanning 18 cities in 13 countries, and ending in Mexico City, Mexico in May, 2008.


In September 2008, Tavar traveled to Lisbon, Portugal, where he painted his "Giving to the poor" stencil commenting on the social issue of homelessness. Zawacki stated "Every day I walked by this bank ATM machine and this particular homeless woman was sitting in the same place every day begging for money. I found it sadly ironic that just six feet away from here there were people lining up to withdraw money. The sharp social and economic clash inspired me to make this piece." In October 2008, Tavar returned to California, when the New York Stock Exchange (NTSE) took a drastic crash, marking a worsening of the 2008 recession. Tavar stenciled on the exterior of a Washington Mutual building (one of several banks that collapsed during this period) an image of the NYSE bar graph with a downward sloping red line that went all the way down into the street gutter, mimicking the results that occurred just a few days before.


In April, Zawacki created a stencil mural depicting four children searching for "Easter AIGs" in response to the breaking scandal surrounding American International Group and the degree to which it profited from the 2008 bailout.

In May 2009, Tavar started another tour of Europe lasting four-months. This tour did not seem to have a title as with most of Zawacki's previous tours. In July, he painted a social and political stencil piece titled 'Bridging The Divide' directly on the Berlin Wall. The artwork depicted a young girl jumping up, with arm extended trying to grab a bouquet of flowers from a person on the opposite side of the Berlin. The painted scene was completed with a smiling guard looking at the young girl jumping. 'Bridging The Divide' was painted on the 20th year anniversary of the German reunification

In August 2009, Tavar returned from Europe, and moved to Portland, Oregon. He started a charitable non-profit project involving Portland's homeless population. Tavar was quoted in an interview, "I wanted to address and draw more attention to the homeless crisis here in Portland. I wanted to learn more about this homeless epidemic by listening directly to the homeless community on an individual person to person level. During the month of November, 2009 I rode my bike around Portland wanting to listen to homeless individuals that wanted to share their story and suggestion on what shelters really help out with services as well as where I should donate the money fund raised from this 'Homeless not hopeless' print."


In January 2010, just days after the Haiti Earthquakes, Tavar flew to La Havana, Cuba, to make a site specific stencil commenting on the recent devastation in the neighboring country of Haiti. Tavar's stencil work was titled 'Help Thy Neighbor' and depicted a young Cuban boy with tire raft, first aid medical kit, and a Haitian flag in hand ready to embark to what is assumed, Haiti.

French Stencil artist, Blek le Rat, had selected Tavar (then as ABOVE) to exhibit together for Tavar's first duo exhibition of his career at White Walls Gallery in San Francisco on May 1st, 2010. This was Tavar's largest body of work exhibited at a gallery at that time in his career.

In a press release from White Walls gallery "The meeting of these two artists is a passing of the torch from the original stencil artist to a younger generation of urban artists following in his legacy. Blek let Rat first pioneered stencils in the early 80s as a bold, attention grabbing form of street art that was never before seen. ABOVE is the prominent stencil artist of the new generation, drawing on Blek's methods to project a social message into the urban environment.


In January 2011, Tavar flew to Sydney, Australia, to prepare for his first solo show, titled Here Today Gone Tomorrow. In the press release for the exhibition, Tavar said that his older brother had passed away in an accidental car crash just three months prior. He was quoted, "I've been consistently traveling the world and the theme, 'Here Today Gone Tomorrow' applies to how I have been living my lifestyle for the past ten years. It's hard to say goodbye when traveling, and even harder when you don't even get the chance. I was deeply moved by the loss of my brother to make the new body of artworks that dealt with the fragility of life, death, and how important it is to live each day to the fullest." The body of work in the exhibition profiled fifteen different celebrities such as; Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Bob Marley, and Princess Diana, all of which died under the age of 37. Screen printing, and paper collage mediums were used to recreate the images of the fifteen celebrities assembled on top of an arrow cut from wood.

In October at the height of the global Occupy Wall Street protest, Tavar flew to Miami, U.S.A. and painted a 120 foot (37 m) long word play mural that read "Give A Wall St. Banker Enough Rope And He Will Hang Himself." Zawacki's mural incorporated a hanging effigy of a suited banker to the installation. While being interviewed by the Daily Mail, Tavar said "I tried to clothe him and dress him up as if he was what I imagined a Wall Street banker might wear, it was the cherry on the top of the word play installation." He continued to say, "It's extremely shocking which is part of the point as well. I think it is really gone too far, but then again I think it's my retaliation to how far Wall St, has gotten in general. It is shocking to me when I look at these numbers when I see that one per cent of the people have all of the money." Tavar explained that he was inspired by the proverb "If you give a fool enough rope, he will hang himself" and simply adapted it to fit the theme. When NBC News did a news report on Tavar's "Wall St." piece, he told the reporter "You don't have to read it, you just get it immediately when you see it. It's extremely aggressive and that's actually the point." His final reply was "Everybody's entitled to their own opinion, and some people will praise it, others will deny it and criticize it, but the point being is that it's getting people talking about the movement."


In February 2012, Tavar traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa, where he painted a mural commenting on the illegal blood diamond trade. Tavar appropriated the proverb 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend' and painted the message 'Diamonds are a woman's best friend and a man's worst enemy' on the exterior wall of Jewel City, one of the world's largest diamond exporters. The site specific statement was 4 meters (13 ft) tall and 80 meters (260 ft) in length, spanning the entire city block.

The story of how Tavar was able to trick the owners of Jewel city to paint such a large controversial statement on the exterior of their building without any trouble was, in the artist's words, a 'jewel heist' of his own. Tavar said, "I was able to get away with this diamond wall heist because I told the owners I would paint in big letters 'Diamonds are a woman's best friend' on the exterior of their building. The owners loved the idea and all quickly agreed." According to Tavar, the owners never came outside to inspect, or question his actions. In an interview with a reporter from ABC News, Tavar said, "I decided to take it upon myself to justify lying as I felt that making this controversial statement seen, and topic of blood diamonds talked about more, would justify my actions. I have justified my lying as I feel it created a powerful social and political piece."

In September, amidst the Eurozone financial crisis, Tavar flew to Zaragoza, Spain. He painted a 120 foot (37 m) long stencil mural of a queue of silhouettes accompanied by the statement '24% Desempleados' ('24% unemployed' in English) that were waiting in line for the unemployment office. This social, political, and time sensitive mural addressed the hard financial times that Spain was facing with its highest unemployment rate in the world. At the time that Tavar painted this mural 24.6% of Spaniards were unemployed; for under-25 year olds, 53% were unemployed.

In the same month of September, Tavar went to Copenhagen, Denmark, to created a time-lapse film titled #Socialmedia. He painted a message on the wall, then repainted the wall white, only to repaint a new message. He repeated this process of painting new statements over a duration of two days. Tavar's messages were sarcastic mocks, factual, and confrontational towards society and the uses of social media. He profiled such social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In an interview, Tavar said that he does not use social media such as Facebook, or Twitter, which allowed him to act as an outsider, looking in on how society uses such social media platforms.


In August 2013, Tavar created a time relative stencil titled 'Timing Is Everything' in London, England. The colorful stencil painted on the side of a wall depicted a break dancer positioned upside down, with his arm extended downwards. At night, the context of the stencil is 'activated' by the street light, thus creating a shadow of the near by street pole directly onto the wall. The stenciled break dancer is now seen in a newer context of balancing himself on top of the street sign's shadow. In an interview Tavar said, "all of my stencil works exist in a site-specific context. I have been searching for this fixed shadow in a high visibility location for the past eight months during my global travels. I finally found the perfect shadow in Shoreditch area of London."

According to Tavar, the main reason why 'the perfect shadow' was so challenging to find was because it needed to exist in a highly trafficked area of a major city. A reporter from the news blog The Huffington Post claimed, "If Banksy and James Turrell were ever to collaborate, we like to think Tavar Zawacki would be their brainchild."

The majority of Tavar's street works have topics of social or political issues suggested in the artworks. During an interview he commented, "The Timing Is Everything stencil painted in London was void of any political or social message, but what it did have was an interaction with the city, and how things alter from day to night. The stencil shows how timing, and lighting can be the platform, as well as the inspiration for a piece of work." Tavar closed the interview by saying, "My main intention with this piece is to have people observe, and re-evaluate their surroundings of how literally, timing is everything."


In June, Tavar was one of the international artists invited to paint at Artscape mural event held in the city of Malmö, Sweden. He painted a mural titled Metamorphosis on an eight-story tall building in a style replicating the color printing process of CMYK. He explained, "I've been interested for many years now in shapes and colors. The arrow is its own unique shape, and when I overlap this colorful shape using the CMYK color blend process, it allows for new shapes and colors to metamorphosis into something new." Tavar continued saying, "It's about having fun and experimenting. As an artist it's important for me to experiment with my work, otherwise one can become stagnant. Making this mural put the arrow into a new context, giving it room for expansion of a new life."

In September, Tavar had a three month long Artist-in-residence in Detroit, Michigan in preparation for his solo exhibition titled 'Remix'. His Remix exhibition displayed a variety of different laser cut wood panels that were then 'remixed', and exchanged into the artwork's final configuration. "The intention for the Remix body of work is to find a balanced symbiosis between curved and straight lines. The characteristics of the arrow are straight, sharp, angular, and void of any curved elements. My intention is to mix a variety of curved shapes within the straight arrow design, creating a totally new visual appearance." When asked the question, 'What strides do you think you have made with this work?' Tavar replied, "The variety of new curved elements from the Remix exhibition allowed me to expand the arrow design into something new and exciting. The emphasis was less on the arrow, and more on the mix of curved, and straight lined shapes. The arrow icon was breaking apart and morphing into new (and exciting) abstract shapes."


In October, 2015 Tavar painted his largest mural to date, a 33 meter tall by 17 meter wide mural titled 'Incognito' in Johannesburg, South Africa as part of the City Of Gold Festival. Tavar spent ten consecutive days painting the mural and when asked in an interview about his process, challenges, and color choices he stated 'My color selections were predetermined by the relationship of how each color transforms when laid on top of another. This was easy, however, in the designing of the mural I had to constantly move colors and shapes to finally get the final color arrangement you see. The biggest challenge for me during the Incognito mural was ensuring the proportions of the design were correct. I needed precision, and a lot of it. The lines needed to be sharp and straight. If any line was miscalculated or skewed the design as a whole would suffer. This was my largest hurdle I had to overcome both with mapping it out, and painting it. Later in the interview Tavar said 'What I enjoy most about the Incognito design is the secondary shapes, and colors achieved from the overlapping of each arrow on top of another. There are many fun intersections of color and new shapes that emerge using this style of design. I look forward to exploring more in depth into this style in the future in my indoor and outdoor works.'


In the summer of 2016, Tavar Zawacki served as artist-in-residence of the Quin Arts program at the Quin Hotel in New York City, furthering his exploration of geometric abstraction through colorful multi-layer arrow compositions. As curated by DK Johnston, the exhibit featured 36 works of handmade sculptural relief using acrylic and resin on wood. It opened on July 14 and was Zawacki's first solo show in New York City.

Artist Interview: Tavar Zawacki aka ABOVE |
src: instagrafite.com


  • Tavar Zawacki, Metamorphosis

ISBN 978-3-9819026-0-0

168 pages, full color, hardcover. Printed in Czech Republic. Published by: Urban Spree Books, 2017.

Metamorphosis the second published monograph by the Berlin-based, American abstract artist Tavar Zawacki - and the first under his real name.

Metamorphosis covers Tavar Zawacki's last 3 years of creative works, profiling his large scale outdoor murals, and his indoor gallery works. Zawacki's museum style exhibition, also titled Metamorphosis, is widely featured in the first half of the book.

  • Above, Above:Passport

ISBN 978-1-937222-03-1

Passport: 156 page book documenting the artworks and travels of Tavar Zawacki in over 60 countries from 2004 to 2010. California: Zero+ Publishing, 2011.

Artist Shepard Fairey wrote the introduction in Passport saying "I first encountered Above's art on the streets of Paris in early 2003. His large scale trademark arrows were painted on roll down gates, trucks and storefronts with impressive coverage throughout the city. Above is extraordinarily driven. To paraphrase Radiohead, "ambition can make you look pretty ugly," but in Above's case, his ambition makes the streets look very engaging. I am very impressed by Above's diligence, but after I got to know him and his artwork more, I began to realize that his output is not evidence of selfish ego, but of a lust for life, a utopian life, where his generosity, and curiosity, and his pursuit of creativity and social-consciousness have led him around the world making more friends than enemies.

Above made the time to act as tour guide for me and my wife and our two young daughters in a city he knows well and we didn't. The gesture made me greatly value Above's friendship and reinforced my belief that what you give is what you get. The Karma Police are not coming for Above even if the police vandal squad is."

TAVAR-ZAWACKI-SHAPE7.jpg | Art Painting Models - Comics Graffiti ...
src: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com


Artist Interview: Tavar Zawacki aka ABOVE |
src: instagrafite.com

Further reading

Books featuring interview/works from Tavar Zawacki

In English:

  • Søren Solkær, "Surface" , Gingko Press, 2015, ISBN 978-1-58423-579-8
  • Nicholas Ganz, "Street Messages", Dokument Press, 2015, ISBN 978-9185639731
  • Anna Waclawek, Graffiti And Street Art, Thames and Hudson, 2011, ISBN 978-0-500-20407-8
  • Christian Hundertmark, The Art Of Rebellion 1, Publikat Verlag, 2003, ISBN 978-3-9807478-2-0
  • Christian Hundertmark, The Art Of Rebellion 2, Publikat Verlag, 2006, ISBN 978-3-9809909-4-3
  • Christian Hundertmark, The Art Of Rebellion 3, Publikat Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-939566-29-8
  • Without Reason, Ilovewr, Without Reason, 2006, ISBN 978-0-646-46066-6
  • Markus Mai, Writing: Urban Calligraphy And Beyond, Die Gestalten Verlag, 2003, ISBN 978-3-89955-003-0
  • Gary Shove, Untitled, I, Carpet Bombing Publishing 2009 ISBN 0-9559121-0-5
  • Gary Shove, Untitled, II, Carpet Bombing Publishing 2010 ISBN 0-340-92059-9
  • Gary Shove, Untitled, III, Carpet Bombing Publishing, 2011, ISBN 978-0-9559121-5-3
  • Maxime Courtin, Colors Zoo, Colorzoo publishing, 2004, ISBN 978-84-609-0285-0
  • Nicholas Ganz, Graffiti World, Thames & Hudson, 2004 ISBN 978-0-500-51170-1
  • Tristan Manco, Street Logos, Thames & Hudson, 2004, ISBN 978-0-500-28469-8
  • Louis Bou, Street Art: The Spray Files, Harper Collins, 2005 ISBN 978-0-06-083338-1
  • Louis Bou, NYC BCN: Street Art Revolution, Collins Design, 2006, ISBN 978-0-06-121004-4
  • Izastickup, Bo130, Microbo, TheDon, Drago, 2005, ISBN 978-88-88493-33-6
  • Claudia Walde, Sticker City, Thames & Hudson, 2007, ISBN 978-0-500-28668-5
  • R. Klanten, M. Huebner, Urban Interventions, Die Gestalten, 2010 ISBN 978-3-89955-291-1

In French:

  • Kriss Montfort, Hip art the french touch, éditions Kitchen 93, 2004, (see p. 81) ISBN 2-85980-002-6
  • Collectif, Une Nuit, éditions Kitchen 93, 2007, (see p. 72) ISBN 2-85980-007-7
  • Fabienne Grevy, Paris Graffiti, Editions de la Martiniere, 2008, ISBN 978-2-7324-3731-6

In Italian:

  • Duccio Dogheria, Street Art (Storia e Controstoria Techniche e Protagonisti), Giunti, 2015, ISBN 978-8-80981-142-3

POWWOWWorcester on Twitter: Tavar Zawacki ..." src="http://i0.wp.com/mydropbox.website/wp-contents/uploads/2017/12/Fgu78Y.jpg" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto;" title="POWWOWWorcester on Twitter: "Morning Motivation > Tavar Zawacki ...">
src: pbs.twimg.com


Sunset â€
src: static1.squarespace.com

External links

  • Official website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
